2020/10/3 このブログを更地に戻しました。過去にもらったコメントはいずれ復元します。

IFTTT If Twitter Then Twitter レシピ選択肢総ざらい


今さらだけど、IFTTTの If [Twitter] Then [Twitter]のレシピで出来ることを総ざらいしてみた。



  • Post a tweet
  • Post a tweet with image
  • Update profile picture
  • Update bio

大きく分けると、(1)ツイートする or 画像付きツイートをする、(2)自分のプロフィール文を変更する・アイコンを変更する、の2つだけ。





  • [IF] New tweet by you
    This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet.

    • Include(オプション)

      • [Then] Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • ingredient(成分)
            {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • [Then] Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • ingredient(成分)
            {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
        • Image URL
          • ingredient(成分)
            {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • [Then] Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
        • Add a tweet
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • [Then] Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
        • Tweet about your updated bio
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
  • [IF] New tweet by you with hashtag
    This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet with a specific hashtag.

    • Hashtag を指定(オプション)
      • Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Image URL
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Add a tweet
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio
          • {{Text}} {{TextNoHashtag}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
  • [IF] New link by you
    This Trigger fires for every link you tweet. If your tweet has multiple links, it will fire multiple times.(リンクごとに起動)

    • Post a tweet
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Post a tweet with image
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Image URL
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Update profile picture
      This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

      • Photo URL
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Add a tweet
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Update bio
      This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

      • Bio(160文字)
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Tweet about your updated bio
        • {{Text}} {{LinkURL}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
  • [IF] New tweet by you in area
    This Trigger fires every time you post a tweet at a location you specify.

    • Locate an area

      • Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Image URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Add a tweet(オプション)
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Tweet about your updated bio
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}


  • [IF] New liked tweet by you
    This Trigger fires every time you like a tweet.

    • Post a tweet
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Post a tweet with image
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Image URL
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Update profile picture
      This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

      • Photo URL
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Add a tweet(オプション)
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
    • Update bio
      This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

      • Bio
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}
      • Tweet about your updated bio
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{CreatedAt}} {{TweetEmbedCode}}



  • [IF]New mention of you
    This Trigger fires every time you are @mentioned in a tweet.

    • Post a tweet
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
    • Post a tweet with image
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

      • Tweet text
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Image URL
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
    • Update profile picture
      This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

      • Photo URL
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Add a tweet(オプション)
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
    • Update bio
      This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

      • Bio
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Tweet about your updated bio
        • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}


  • New follower
    This Trigger fires every time a new user starts following you.

    • Post a tweet
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

      • Tweet text
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
    • Post a tweet with image
      This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

      • Tweet text
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
      • Image URL
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
    • Update profile picture
      This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

      • Photo URL
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
      • Add a tweet
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
    • Update bio
      This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

      • Bio
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}
      • Tweet about your updated bio
        • {{FullName}} {{About}} {{Location}} {{FollowingCount}} {{FollowerCount}} {{UserWebsiteUrl}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToProfile}} {{FollowedAt}}



  • New tweet by a specific user
    This Trigger fires every time the Twitter user you specify tweets.

    • Username to watch
      • Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Image URL
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Add a tweet
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Tweet about your updated bio
          • {{Text}} {{UserName}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}


  • New tweet from search
    This Trigger fires every time a new tweet matches your search query. NOTE: limited to 15 tweets per check.

      • Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Image URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Add a tweet(オプション)
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Tweet about your updated bio
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}


  •  New tweet by anyone in area
    This Trigger fires every time anyone posts a tweet at a location you specify.

    • Locate an area
      • Post a tweet
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Post a tweet with image
        This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image.

        • Tweet text
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Image URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update profile picture
        This Action will update your profile picture from the image URL you specify and optionally tweet about it.

        • Photo URL
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Add a tweet
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
      • Update bio
        This Action will update your bio and optionally tweet about it.

        • Bio(160文字)
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}
        • Tweet about your updated bio(オプション)
          • {{Text}} {{FirstLinkUrl}} {{UserName}} {{UserImageUrl}} {{LinkToTweet}} {{LocationMapImageUrl}} {{LocationMapUrl}} {{TweetEmbedCode}} {{CreatedAt}}


Twitter's triggers, queries, and actions - IFTTT
Learn the building blocks for how Twitter can connect to hundreds of other services. Twitter Applets can help you manage...


  • If
    • Twitter
      • [New tweet by anyone in area]
  • Then
    • Twitter
      • [Post a tweet with image]
        • Tweet text[@{{UserName}} : {{Text}} (via Twitter {{LinkToTweet}}){{LocationMapImageUrl}}]
        • Image URL[{{LocationMapImageUrl}}]

